Saturday, December 5, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 68

Time for some Home School. Almost Monday started it off with some alternative pop jams. I previously caught them on WFNM's Instagram Live. The WFNM version was in a room of some sort. The Home School set was done on a full stage (they used the Belly Up venue in San Diego) and was pre-recorded. Due to this, it really had a concert feel to it. What was similar between the WFNM and Home School sets was that the band has a real playful style. While listening to their set, I started thinking of the Pet Shop Boys.

Almost Monday

ONR came to us from Scotland. They played their indie pop set out in the countryside of Scotland. Soaring vocals that sped across the open fields. Listening to their set had me wanting to go back to Edinburgh and hang out at some of their local venues.


Jac Ross closed out the night. What perfect tenor vocals that had me thinking Stevie Wonder and Lionel Richie. He appeared to be playing his set at home. He hit those keys with great confidence. Behind him was a photo of three kids. The kid in the middle was doing a backflip just above the knit cap of Jac Ross. It really made it look like the kid was flipping over the singer.  

Jac Ross

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