Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 74

Home School is always an enjoyable hour -- now in the middle of the day.

Sofia Valdes opened it up with a full band -- who all wore masks. Her voice had lullaby vocals with just a touch of soul crooning. Her accented English singing had her music sounding like sweet syrup. One of her song titles was "Amsterdam." I do love that city.

Sofa Valdes

Foreign Air definitely mixed it up in this line-up. They performed their set in a workspace that had the vocals echoing throughout the building, I'm sure. It was pure experimental music, taking inspiration from the range of 60s rock to 80s college radio to heavy metal. Their opening song was layered above samples of "Que sera, sera." I noticed that one of their electronic kits was above a booked titled, "The Animator's Survival Kit."

Foreign Air

Closing out the afternoon was Charlotte Jane with some country/folk vocals. Her set was done on a balcony, overlooking her city. Off in the distance one could see a body of water. Birds flew past on occasion. And it was a bit cold as she had to warm up her hands when shifting to the keyboards. She happened to mention that it was weird doing a livestream and that her non-emotional plants were her audience. She also mentioned that she had been to School Night in the flesh before and hoped she would be able to play live in the future.

Charlotte Jan

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