Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 70

WFNM shifted to a lunch break concert versus their normal Wednesday evenings. Beka opened it up from London. Behind her was a Christmas tree. Her vocals were very calming as she sang, "You and I should be more than friends." She mentions that her cup was clinking while she played. To end her set, she brought on her brother for an Instagram Live Q&A.


Dylan Dunlap closed out the concert playing a piano that looked like it was from the 1940s. A well worn and well used instrument. I think you could even hear the clicking of the pedals. His comment of the set had to be, "My phone just told me I've been on my phone for too long. That's funny." It was cool to learn that he had communicated with Beka earlier in the week. Nice to see that these now WFNM alumni spent time talking with each other. During one particular song, he said, "I'm laughing, but this is such a sad song. I apologize." He also gave a cool lesson in music composition during another song. He's definitely someone that one needs to catch in the main room of Hotel Café.

Dylan Dunlap

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