Saturday, June 6, 2020

Quick Hit Band Interview: Talk Time

Talk Time at The Satellite
Interview with the band (with Mike). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how your band started? It started by accident! Edson (singer, guitarist) accidentally emailed Mike (guitarist) with something he was working on thinking it was a different Mike. They had played a bit before when Mike stood in on a couple gigs for Edson's previous band, and at the time both of them were still sort of reeling from the break up of their last projects. From there Mike shared something he was working on which ended up being the proof of concept for 𝑇𝐴𝐿𝐾 𝑇𝐼𝑀𝐸 and the first single, Year of Self. We were then fortunate enough to round out the group with players, Andrew, John, and Derek to finish an EP with Producer Matt Bishop and forge a path forward as a cohesive ensemble.

Is there a story behind one of your songs that you’d like to share? One of the centerpieces of the EP, "True North" is about finding perspective and keeping love as a compass in this terrifying, ambiguous, but beautiful life.

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