Sunday, June 14, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 20

It was a WFNM night on Instagram. I got to catch FoleyAudrey Nuna and Minke.

Best set of the three has to go to Minke. I was just blown away. I was so blown away I had to check her music out online. I went to Youtube and just fell for the music even more. Her song "Something Better" must be inspired by choir music. She's a London transfer to Los Angeles. We are lucky to have her and I hope to catch her live soon.

Audrey Nuna was very humorous as she brought her music from her spot on the East Coast. She asked questions of those watching such as: What's your favorite type of potatoes? Baked, French Fries, mashed. Do you have an innie or an outie belly button? She had a friend playing keys while she sat on a chair and did her free style, tune driven rapping.

Audrey Nuna
Opening up the night for me was Foley from New Zealand. They played off each other well while hitting their dance sounds. I say dance as when I checked out their music online it had a party sound to it, but during their set they played it out acoustic style on their guitars.


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