Saturday, June 20, 2020

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Asa Ey

Asa Ey at Madame Siam

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What's the story behind when you knew you wanted to pursue being a singer? I always felt you can communicate so much more with music and singing. My parents split up when I was 3 years old, and grew up with so many feelings about it, I couldn’t express it any other way. Singing and writing songs became my therapy.

Do you have a message or objective behind your music? If so, what is it? As a band, our main objective musically is to write songs that feature guitars and bring live instrumentation back into the mainstream. Lyrically, we want to write songs that tell stories and explore human nature. We want to get people to reflect inward, being able to recognize the patterns in yourself and others. That’s the key, to create life how you want it and not live according to a program.

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