Can there be an online music family in this era of coronavirus? It really does seem like it. The punk rock community that has grown around bands like Spare Parts for Broken Hearts, Ramonda Hammer and
Bands in a Barbershop transitioned online for a week where 6 individual singers took the stage at
The 6*6*60s house, playing 6 song sets at 6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. That's a lot of 6's. The sets were played on
The Satellite's Instagram Live page. The line-up was:
Dolly / Doctrin |
Sunday: Dolly from
Monday: Sarah from
Spare Parts for Broken Hearts.
Tuesday: Mandla from
Ugly Sweaters.
Wednesday: Devin from
Ramonda Hammer.
Thursday: Jonny from
Spare Parts for Broken Hearts.
Friday: Charley from
Dirty Cakes.
Sarah / Spare Parts for Broken Hearts |
Devin shined bright with her tunes. There were demands for a encore, but an encore didn't come. Okay, that encore request came from me.
Devin / Ramonda Hammer |
Does Jonny even sing backup for Spare Parts for Broken Hearts? Well, he sung well during his Thursday set.
Jonny / Spare Parts for Broken Hearts |
Sarah did some extensive Q&As with both the audience and The 6*6*60s. I got to ask a question about if she was self-taught (accidentally typed in thought) or was musically trained. She is self-taught.
Dolly brought a singer-songwriter version to her punk tunes.
Mandla played his guitar strings so hard that I was surprised he didn't bust a string or two. As a side note, I first saw Ugly Sweaters at Broke LA, I miss that festival and hope it comes back at some point in time.
Mandla / Ugly Sweaters |
Charley closed out the series with a donation for Meals on Wheels campaign. What a great idea.
Charley / Dirty Cakes |
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