Friday, May 29, 2020

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Speelburg

Speelburg at The Hi Hat

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Speelburg sounds like you've put a whole bunch of pop culture from around the world into a blender. I often describe it as weird pop coz if you accept that you make pop instead of trying to hide behind something a little more niche, I've found that it actually gives you a little more creative freedom to just do whatever the hell you want.

How have you grown as a musician? I use less reverb. I use to hide behind it, then I got better at singing so I dried it up. Then I got back into it in fun and creative ways. I also think I got better at mixing, generally more confident with my own work. to go "Yeah, I like the way that sounds" and accept that's how it's going to sound on the record and be fine with that took a minute, but this whole upcoming record (Character Actor) was mixed at home in my studio and I couldn't be prouder.

Own final Q&A: Where will you be next week? I'll be on tour in France playing these huge arenas. I'm terrified and I can't wait! If you can make it out, I'd love to hang out :)

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