Friday, May 15, 2020

Coronavirus Diary: May 11

Oops -- noticed that this didn't post for some reason so posting this a few days after it was written.

I basically stayed inside my apartment Monday thru Thursday due to being very busy working from home. I went out briefly at night on Wednesday to go grocery shopping. That's a pretty boring life (though not complaining at all about having a paycheck). There was a heat wave so I was burning up in my apartment. I do have a wall air conditioning unit, but I hate the noise. I haven't used it in years. I do have a ceiling fan, but that is in my bedroom. Maybe I have to move my work computer into my bedroom. The problem with that is that I kind of enjoy turning on the television every so often while I work.

Last Saturday evening, a group of friends and I got on Zoom to talk. We're planning on getting together again to have an online game night in the future. My work monitor has a camera so I plugged it into my home computer (due to hacking concerns, my company doesn't want Zoom used on their computers). That worked well for me. Others were using their cell phones.

When it comes to Instagram, a vegan bakery randomly started to follow me. I decided to follow them back. Now the advertisements that I'm getting on Instagram are significantly biased towards vegan food.

Since I was so busy, I didn't get very far along in the Stephen King book I recently started. I'm probably going to be busy for the next couple weeks so I won't be doing much reading, at all. Though I'm not reading much, what spare time I do have is spent watching online sets. Folks can read other blog posts to read more about those moments.

Oh, I finally went through some old mail and opened up a piece of mail from a bank. I have (had) a small checking account with a bank that I opened up years ago and just stopped using. The letter said that since I hadn't used the checking account in 3 years that they were going to transfer the money to the state of California by May 16th. Now, of course, since I hadn't opened the mail for a couple weeks, I was closer to the deadline versus if I had actually opened the mail when I should have opened it. Inside was a piece of paper that I needed to sign saying that I was still around. I quickly signed it and walked over to the local post office and put it in the mail slot.

Then I started to think: would coronavirus cause delays at the bank? Would my bank then hand my money over to the state? I quickly jumped into my car and drove off to the bank where I closed down my account. So I have to say there are two different situations here. First, it wasn't that big of a deal to close down my account. Maybe it took 30 minutes to close down the account, but most of that time was me waiting at the counter for the banker to close the account and give me a cashiers check. Second, the other situation was having to be inside a building with other people. When it comes to coronavirus, I have no problem walking out in the open (away from crowds), but when it comes to being inside I have issues (even with small crowds). This is why since March 15th-ish, the only time I've been inside a building is to go grocery shopping. This was the first time I went into a non-grocery store in two months. I have to say that the bank was well laid out for this virus world. It took me a minute to figure out the process, but I figured it out. Yet, I have to admit that in the back of my mind I was regretting that I had to be inside the bank.

Then on Saturday, I walked to my other bank to deposit that cashiers check into my now only checking account. I used a paper napkin while using the ATM. Then tossed the napkin into the trash. I got to the bank prior to opening and noticed 20 people waiting in line for the bank to open. I wondered why so many people were waiting for the bank to open, but was happy that everyone was keeping their social distancing from each other.

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