Monday, December 3, 2018

Up on CaliforniaRocker: Interview with Letters to Cleo

Letters to Cleo at The Hi Hat
I'm up on California Rocker with a Letters to Cleo interview.

The following is part of the interview. Please head on over to California Rocker for the rest of the interview:

Is there a specific decision the band has made (good or bad) that it feels other bands/artists can learn from? I think the best decision in the long term was to stick with the team we had. If you see us in 2018, the show was managed, booked, and mixed by the same people who did the job in 1994. Same goes for our lawyer. Obviously, not everyone is available for every show, but our team is like a family. We were all there for all the ups and downs and everyone still believes in the music and one another 100%. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't make changes if people are letting you down, but you don't need to go with every fancy manager or agent that comes along blowing smoke up your ass when you've never been in the trenches with them.

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