Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Gabriel Delicious

Gabriel Delicious at The Hi Hat
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Delicious could always have more guitars and more lyrics in my opinion, haha. The songs are all stories tied together with lush guitarmonies. I try to tuck a little humor in there whenever I can. We get a lot of comparisons to Lou Reed and Thin Lizzy

Do you find greater enjoyment writing a great song or performing a great song? Why the choice? Song writing for me can take forever. Essentially, I’m hoping to write or throw sass at situations that I can truthfully repeat for a while. Performing is where I get the real satisfaction. You have no idea that these songs are about you. I’m living a dream up there.

Own Q&A. What would you recommend for dinner? I would recommend anything with shrimp. You can’t go wrong from there. Stay away from too much dairy if you can

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