Friday, December 7, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Sumeau

Sumeau at The Satellite
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What are some of the influences that help create Sumeau's sound? Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazelwood. Echo chambers and reverb pedals. The '90s.

How do you believe the band has progressed over time? When we first started playing live, it was just Chris Sousa, Kat Primeau, and a Boss RC-30 loop pedal. We gained 7 new band members and a dance crew since then, forming our happy little cult family. We've recently added an improvised song to our set (Monday night, the song suggestion was "Electricity"). It's a dream come true!

Own final thoughts. We pray to pizza every day, thanking the lord pizza for our bountiful luck in finding great band members and blessing us with pizza meals.

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