Friday, June 8, 2018

The Hi Hat: Ramonda Hammer, Spare Parts for Broken Hearts, Thick, Gypsum

I made the assumption before heading out to The Hi Hat that this specific night was going to be awesome. I was already very familiar with three of the bands playing that night and so it was really just that fourth band that I wasn't sure if I would enjoy or not.

Gypsum opened the night up with their intricately constructed music. This band is really coming into form. It was fun listening to the banter between the lead singer and bassist. And I think one indication of a band finding a level of comfort is when the lead singer doesn't spend the whole set within an inch of the microphone. I believe that every time I've seen this band, they've either opened up the night or been stuck playing on a side stage. There has to be a venue out there willing to give this band a residency. They deserve a larger audience. 

Thick was that one band I knew nothing about. They're a band from Brooklyn, New York. Yet, even though they're from New York, I couldn't help but think about a former-Los Angeles band called The Randies. During the Thick's set, I swear I was expecting them to sing "Thought I Could Change" by The Randies. Thick is a band that is heavy on the garage sound and their stage show indicates that someone does a whole lot of stretching before their set.
Spare Parts for Broken Hearts and Ramonda Hammer are on a West Coast tour together. Folks who catch their tour are in for a treat. Spare Parts for Broken Hearts brings you back to the grunge era. One reason I was thinking about The Randies is that a former member of Spare Parts for Broken Hearts was in that band.

Spare Parts for Broken Hearts
Meanwhile, Ramonda Hammer hypnotizes with musicians who will explode at any moment. I love The Hi Hat, but I really wish they had brighter lights on for Ramonda Hammer. At any moment, their bassist and guitarist would go into wild motion. The stage lights were too low for my camera to auto focus quickly enough. So many missed shots. The lead singer thanked those who hung out with them during their recent residency at The Echo. They had taken donations for Rock n' Roll Camp for Girls that is happening this summer and they said thanks to those who donated.

Ramonda Hammer
I had some photo shop talk with another photographer. We both accommodated the low lights in different manners. I hate blur in my photos so I shot at a really high ISO and sped up my shutter speed. My fellow photographer hates grain so he went with a low ISO and a very slow shutter speed, hoping to capture a moment of non-motion.

P.S. Yes, I know that my last three music night posts are via time spent at The Hi Hat. I do go to other music venues, I swear.

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