Monday, June 18, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Blushh

Blushh at Broke LA

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What’s the story behind how you started out as a musician? When I was 9 I took Spanish guitar lessons for a couple years. From around age 11 onward my guitar sat in the corner of my room until 2015. 2015 was my start in LA’s music scene as I began throwing more diy shows around town. I guess I was inspired so I picked up my guitar and started writing songs that fall. Early 2016, I showed some of the songs to some friends, and they offered to both record my music and play in my band. It was probably at that point that I decided to take songwriting realistically. I recorded my first single “Are we too far?” that fall and played my first show a few weeks later. Here we are 18 months later and I still don’t consider myself a musician, lol. I like writing songs and playing them with my friends. I’m lucky enough to have people around who have helped record my music, play in my band and come to my shows. I have 2 years of helping local artists to thank for that karma I guess.

I know you do a variety of stuff related to the local music scene. How do you balance all your various music related activities? Everything comes and goes in waves. I was never really involved in much music until my senior of college. It wasn’t until I graduated 4 years ago that I started meeting local bands and throwing shows. I’m still experimenting! Making music is still a new art form for me, but I do love it a lot and I’m really excited to see myself improve. I don’t promote shows anymore, the bureaucracy of it all got me stressed out, honestly. I have a soft spot for diy shows and backyard events and new friends. This current wave I’m riding is heavily focused around my own art creation: making music, taking photos, collaborating on a zine, etc. who knows where this wave will take me next!

Own Question: If anyone out there is visually impaired/nearsighted like I am who has a weird condition that isn’t correctable with glasses, I’d love to know how you tune your guitar on stage!!! Lol

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