Sunday, June 24, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Soul Bandit

Soul Bandit at Broke LA

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What’s the story behind how you started out as a musician? Well, I've been playing piano since I was 4 so I've always been a "musician". But as far as taking the step to making it my career, that wasn't until around 2012. I was a semester or two away from a Bachelors in Psychology when I had somewhat of an existential crisis. I thought, what am I doing with my life? All I want to do is make art and music. So I dropped out and applied to go to Icon Collective for music production in 2013. Although it definitely hasn't been a walk in the park, I couldn't be happier with my decision.

I couldn't help but notice all those music toys that you had. So how many do you have and is there a specific process to determine when to use them during your set? Haha, well my boyfriend actually is the genius behind the toys, he makes them. It's called circuit bending. We have way too many . . . probably close to 100 now, haha. We go thrifting and to swap meets all the time just to find old kids toys for him to circuit bend. The sounds some of them make are insane so I use them in nearly all of my productions as well, so I decided it would be entertaining to use them in my live performances as well! As far as selecting which ones I use for my performances, a lot of it is just trial and error in picking sounds that will go along with the tracks well. Also, some of them are just easier to use than others so I tend to go with ones that are less challenging to swap out quickly in sets.

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