Monday, February 12, 2018

Catching Racquet at The Satellite with Henry Hall and Rivers + Suns

It was the first Wednesday night of February, which is now the new residency night at The Satellite. There wasn't a residency for January so Henry Hall was the first resident of 2018. After years of going out on Monday nights to The Satellite, I'll now be saying it's off on a Wednesday night to catch their resident.

Though obviously it was off to The Satellite to catch the resident artist, the main reason I went on this particular Wednesday night was to catch Racquet. Racquet is a project by Sapphire Jewell who also happens to be in one of my favorite "new" bands of 2017, Gypsum. There are similar sounds to the two bands, a modern jazz/Local Natives genre blend. Yet, as I listened to the set, I also started to notice subtle differences. Gypsum is far more a joint effort by all four band members to create a unified sound where all hold equal weight. Racquet is definitely led by Sapphire both via her vocals and guitar rifts, which are front and center.

Comment of the set: If it looks like I'm looking directly into your eyes, I am.

Henry Hall's first night was a success. There was a nice crowd and he had the women falling in love with him. He's definitely a singer-songwriter with songs that deal with friendships, even when one is being a jerk around their friends. Yet, he could also be a stand-up comedian. He does have this very dry sense of humor. He opened up his set by saying, "Thanks for coming to our first residency night . . . the beginning of the end.

Henry Hall
Opening up the night was Rivers + Suns doing some of their own songs along with a hair tossing Led Zeppelin cover. Without a doubt, the lead singer knows how to groove to their sound.

Rivers + Suns

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