This was a night I circled on the calendar. The Hi Hat was holding one of their occasional monthly residencies. This residency featured Arc Iris. As everyone who follows me knows, I'm addicted to residencies. On this particular night, Haunted Summer was supporting Arc Iris. I had to go see this band.
Opening the night was
Sara Hallie Richardson. She's a singer-songwriter who comes to us from the state of Maine. What, where? Yes, Maine. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone from Maine. What did I notice about her set: her friends took a seat on the floor of The Hi Hat. It gave the set a nice backyard feel.
Sara Hallie Richardson |
Haunted Summer came up next. This band has a long history in the Los Angeles music scene. I was very excited to catch their set. They wore capes that had you thinking of legendary England. Robin Hood. King Arthur. Sherwood Forest. Their sound made you think immediately, "Haunted Summer is such an appropriate band name." Their set ended with a blast of vocals and synths.
Haunted Summer |
Arc Iris opened the set with their lead singer standing on a stool. She slowly spread out her arms, turning herself into a butterfly. While watching the band, my mind searched for ways to describe this band. Here's some thoughts that came to my mind: ancient Chinese band, an Austrian orchestra from the 1700s, Star Wars' cantina band, a Wild West saloon band. Think of those types of bands and how they would all sound and then see them suddenly decide to switch into a rock band, infused with their own influence.
Arc Iris |
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