Monday, January 18, 2021

New Music Alert: Lauren Lakis' "Fear of God"

Lauren Lakis has a music video out for her song "Fear of God." The video starts with a nun walking across the sun drenched desert ground. By the dress, you can tell the individual is a nun, but there is a very strong streak of rebellion via the short cut habit. While the nun is in pray, the devil shows up to tempt. They dance through out the night and day. There are smiles throughout the dance, but when it all ends with a moment of cigarettes, you see a sense of regret and disappointment that those moments of abandonment didn't lead to something lasting. 

She writes the following on her Instagram page about the song and video:

Nuns were an important part of my childhood; some were teachers of mine, and some were just simply present around the school and church. I’ve always felt fascinated by them - how could a woman choose to commit herself to her faith in such a permanent way? I felt pretty inferior and shameful in their presence, like my sinfulness was only illuminated by their holy aura. I’ve always loved the idea of subverting the idea of the “Bride of Christ” and decided to explore that theme in the music video. I thought, what if we found a nun in the desert, having her own “Temptation of Christ” pilgrimage, invited to dance with the devil . . . giving in to the ultimate temptation . . . only to feel disappointed afterward? 

Lyrics of the song: How the days go by when you live a life of sin.

photo take at The Hi Hat

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