Thursday, January 28, 2021

Los Angeles Music Scene: Moon Room Shuts Down

A couple weeks back while out for a walk, I noticed that the Moon Room had shut down. Even though this venue is walking distance from where I live (a long walk), I'd never gone to this particular venue. In retrospect, that seems strange to me since I know that promoters that I support such as Softer Sex Productions, Rove LA and Wild Riot held events there.

During this pandemic, I did happen to walk pass it every so often while out exercising. The building has a small enclosed patio and people would be in that area drinking and eating. So the venue was definitely trying to stay afloat. 

The official shut down happened at the end of September so I guess it took me a few months to realize that the venue had gone out of business and then a few more weeks to write a blog post about it.

This is from their final Instagram post (dated Sep 29th):

One year ago today we took over as proprietors of what would become Moon Room. Sadly today we are letting you know we have served our last drink. Our goal was to be a place where you could have a good drink, see a local band or DJ, dance, smoke, and not have to deal with asshats. Felt like we we (sp? - were) just hitting our stride when covid hit but like many places the combo of limited seating, lease challenges, and an uncertain outlook make it too much of a challenge to continue. Thanks to Matt, Juston, and all of our staff who fought to keep going by our side to the bitter end. And thanks to our customers- it was an honor to serve you and we will see you on the other side.

They decided to shut down months before Save Our Stages got passed, but even then I wonder if they would have qualified for funding. They might have been in a similar situation as Silverlake Lounge, which has had problems qualifying for government assistance due recent ownership changes.

Though it is unfortunate that the venue has shut down, perhaps a new tenant will keep the location as a music venue.

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