Sunday, November 15, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 62

Lauren Ruth Ward dropped by Dr. Martens' Instagram Live for a 15 minute set. Wearing an American flag top, she jumped right into her blues rock set after setting up the Live performance. Her set was full on energy with arms in full motion as she danced in joy on the rug floor. 

After her first song, she came up to the camera and said with cheer, "Hi, everyone."

Lyric of the quick set: "While I feel the bleed."  Perhaps a more biological take on Divinys' "I Touch Myself." The song was done with a miniskirt flip and similar PG-13 suggestions. 

To end the set, she said, "Hope to see you soon." Yes, sometime, she shall return to the live stage.

On Dr. Martens' Instagram Live

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