Sunday, November 29, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 66

WFNM had a brief two set night on a recently Wednesday night. But I'm not complaining, because it was a great two sets. Joe Avio started it off with a cool jazz start. Lovely melodies set to relaxing sounds. There was a soft blue lighting to set the mood of falsetto vocals. 

Joe Avio

Closing it out was Ally Nicholas who can really carry a tune. Just loved her vocals. She played sitting on a couch. It was just a great singer-songwriter set.  

Comment of the set: "It is so hard not to smile while seeing the comments. You're all so sweet."

Lyric of the set: "I feel like dying tonight."

Comment left during the set by a xonkervasa: "The voice of 3 angels in one human."

What was admitted during the set: her microphone was duck taped to the stand, because she lost the clip.

Ally Nicholas

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