Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 47

Wednesday night meant heading over to Desert Night's Instagram to catch a couple artists.  

Brendan Willing James opened up the night. His music has a Glen Hansard quality to it. There is also this lullaby softness to them.

Throughout the set, he tossed in some thoughts about his life. For example, he's spent this time in COVID-19 lockdown planting a garden. He also moved out to Ojai (not sure if this might have been done way prior to COVID-19). This is the second musician I've heard has moved to Ojai. Very interesting as the town has a population of less than 10,000.

Brendan Willing James

Justine Bennett closed out the night. Her vocals and music has a real warmth. During the middle of her set she did a cover of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind." Throughout the set, she dedicated songs to friends she noticed were watching online. A fun classical folk set. 

During the set, there was this beeping sound that kept popping up. Initially, I actually thought it was coming from my work phone and I was getting notices. No, it was coming from her boyfriend's / husband's computer. She and those online had some fun comments about that. The beeps showed how much effort she put into the set. They had set everything up via a software package on the computer and then connected it to the phone. 

Justine Bennett

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