Monday, September 14, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 44

First off, Grant Owens who puts on WFNM just got a new job as a casting producer for America's Got Talent. That is some good news to hear, especially during these tough times. 

This Version 44 post is about WFNM Instagram Live.  

Nilo Blues opened up the night with youthful energy. His music was a nice mix of cheerful pop music and RnB. He was just having a lot of fun. The set ended up with amusement. He ended his set and was trying to connect with Grant Owens for a quick interview. I think he was a touch unfamiliar with how Instagram Live works, because he couldn't find Grant Owens and decided to just do another song. Unfortunately, that pushed him pass the 6:30 p.m. start time of Oranj Goodman. Not intended, obviously, but an example of technical glitches that pop up in this new world.

Nilo Blues

As mentioned, Oranj Goodman was up next, playing his set from Washington state. I believe he mentioned that he was about 1 hour south of Seattle. What an amazing array of musical tastes. One song was chill rap. Another had him showcasing his vocal range. And his closing song was like he was participating in a poetry beatnik competition. That song had some poetic moments and then he let his guitar take him into moments of musical explosions. 

Oranj Goodman

My night ended with Bad Tuner. He gave us DJ set with plenty of samples. Asian voice overs. Electronic beats. Atmospheric moments. Nice way to end a Wednesday night with WFNM.

Bad Tuner

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