Friday, September 4, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 40

A Wednesday night meant WFNM night. I had some various things I needed to do so showed up online well into the night. I was able to catch Luna Aura and Holy Wars.

Luna Aura played the set in a bedroom with a friend on guitar. They actually had some social distancing going on there with him playing at the headboard and she was sitting on the edge. She was particularly excited by the fact that she was raising money for Music Cares. She realized early on that she hadn't put up the link to donate and so shut down the livestream and then restarted it so that she could put the link.

Her music had a pulsating sound to it. The guitar's beat drove the music forward while her vocals emphasized every beat. She had fun playing to the online audience, sticking out her tongue at times and using her arms and hands to full effect.

Luna Aura

Then came Holy Wars. Three of the usual four band members took part in the set. If anyone has watched any Holy Wars sets online, you know upfront that this set would rock. The band goes all out for these online sets. For this one, it appeared like they were playing in a music studio. They had the stage and floor lights flashing. They had the amps set up. The sweat was flying. And the audience got to punk-rock out for 30 minutes.

Holy Wars

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