Sunday, September 6, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 41

The Satellite was putting on their "6 songs at 6 p.m. for 6 nights" series on their Livestream, curated by The 6*6*60s.

Cathy from The Great Sadness opened the series up on Monday. She brought her desert rock and a guitar that dated back all the way to 1905 (I believe that is what I heard). 

The Great Sadness

Electric Children was up on Tuesday. The three strong band made an entrance. The online stream started with an empty stage and the members made an entrance. I loved it. They played some haunting sounding rock music. 

Electric Children

Taleen Kali on Wednesday was dressed in all black and with black sunglasses. She was looking super cool during a hot late August afternoon.

Taleen Kali

Thursday had half of Jagged Baptist Club playing an energetic vocal driven rock set.

Jagged Baptist Club

Polartropica on Friday provided an end of the work week pool party.


Closing out the series was two members from the bands Qui and Cunts. They did a set of cover songs.

Qui and Cunts

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