Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Quarantine Online Sets: Version 39

Air Traffic Controller had a set on Jam in the Van's Youtube page on Friday, August 28th. Specifically just Dave Munro, lead singer and songwriter. This band is from Boston, but I've gotten the opportunity to catch this band live in Los Angeles a couple times. They have some of the most catchy tunes.

On the Friday set, I was thrilled to catch songs like "The House" and "People Watching" again. He didn't play inside a van, but did play in his car with the hatchback open. The set lasted over an hour. What a thrill. The set started with the sun shining and ended with the sun set.

I don't know if this was a problem for anyone else, but the sound volume was really low. I was watching while working from home on my work computer and then checked out my phone. For both, I went with the highest possible volume and could barely hear -- though as mentioned I was still happy to catch the band's music again. It does seem like Jam in the Van fixed the sound in post-production as I'm listening to parts of the set while writing out this blog post and the sound is great. While re-watching, I'm just so impressed with the vocal talents of Dave. 

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