Monday, December 9, 2019

Resident: Feels with Reckling

The last time I saw Feels was earlier in the year when I caught their record release party with The Paranoyds. This was also the first time this year that I've gone down to the Resident. I used to head down to the Resident far more often, but they appear to have changed their format at this venue, shifting away from live music. This was also the first time since the apparent departure of Shannon Lay from the group. I believe that there are now two original members left (Laena and Michael) from the Raw Geronimo days. So in some ways the night felt like a first for many reasons.

The band mixed it up between their two albums, but they also covered a Mariah Carey Christmas song. Laena Geronimo was in a good mood. Swinging her hair. Smiles throughout the set. Taking a stroll into the crowd. It must have felt good playing in front of an appreciative Los Angeles crowd that included a number of us faithful photographers. Amy Allen on bass gave us the stage presence that made her such a great addition to the band a couple years back. And the music was that slightly scratchy garage/punk/rock mix that just has a touch of those original psychedelic sounds. Based on what Laena said, this was their last live set for awhile as they put together a new album.

Their set list was: Tell Me, Car, Find A Way, Slippin, Running, Unicorn, Toll Booth, Mariah Carey cover, Flowers, Anyways, Sour, Post Earth, Deconstructed, Close My Eyes.


Opening up was Reckling. Their music goes at hyper speed. And vocals that stretches across those speedy jams.


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