Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Greg Felden

Greg Felden at The Echo

Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

When did you know you wanted to be a musician/singer? Great question. I played violin as a kid and loved it. I picked up the guitar as a teenager and definitely had a moment of thinking "Oh, I can do this and it's all I want to do with my time." That said, it'd sure be great if life were significantly longer so I could live out every passion I've ever had. There have been a lot.

What’s your favorite (own) song and what makes it the favorite? Don't make me choose from among my children. I kid. But honestly, it's usually the case that the most recent song I've finished is my favorite. I see that as a good thing. Hopefully it means I'm getting better over time. The latest is called "Little Things," and it isn't on the album I'm releasing. Hopefully it will be on the next. You'll have to stay tuned.

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