Thursday, March 21, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Polartropica

Polartropica at The Echo
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing your music? Most recently my songs have been influenced + inspired by animals (that should not be in the zoo), tank tops, summertime, fruit you can find at the Farmer's Market, internal conflicts, sticking together through the bs, Netflix and Sid the Cat.

What inspires you to write/compose your songs? Very inspired by all of the badass femme producers, musicians, artists and filmmakers busting through the patriarchy with their explosive talents and creativity.

Own thoughts: My favorite fruit is watermelons! I could eat watermelon every day for the rest of my life just plain straight out of the shell with a spoon, or change it up some days with a little squeeze of fresh lime or mixed into a fruit salad with berries, stone fruit and cherries!

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