Saturday, March 23, 2019

Quick Hit Band Interview: Moderns

Moderns at The Satellite

Interview with the band (with Rosie). Enjoy:

What's the story behind how the band started? Chris and I are good friends that go back a few years, and met through mutual friends. We initially started working together on random commercial music, and working with and for other artists. Chris invited me into the project MODERNS, and it’s been us two working together for about 4 years now!

For the band and its future, how would you define success? We’d define success as reaching an audience with what we are creating, and making them feel something they’ve never felt before through our music. We love to do things a little differently while sticking to our roots and passion. As long as we are happy with our art, and the people who hear our music are happy because of it; we feel successful! It’s not all about followers or money for us (although we won’t reject basking in what the future holds for us), we just love what we do, and have fun doing it.

Final fun fact about MODERNS is that Chris and I are often across town from each other when writing music. Chris will build a track, and me (Rosie) will add vocals and lyrics. We go back and forth adding and taking away what we see fit; and eventually get together in person to lay everything down at the end. I (Rosie) live in Santa Monica and Chris lives on the east side. Anyone in LA will understand that we hardly make the commute if it’s something that can be dropboxed or explained over the phone

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