Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: mini bear

minibear at Chinatown Summer Nights
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What is currently influencing you in creating your music? The way that we interact with technology, and how that affects our sense of self and the way that we relate to one another. A lot of my newer songs also touch on reclaiming power that has been taken away from women by objectification and societal structures. I’ve also been going through a lot of sexual identity realizations lately so I’ve been working out those feelings through song.

What is your favorite lyric (own lyric) and what about it makes it so special? “Your face I see it on the screen. Your words, what does real really mean?”. The way that we communicate through screens is in a way presenting the best versions of ourselves. It makes it feel as if nothing is real, yet at the same time it can bleed into IRL and make it seem as if cyber reality is actual reality. In other words, reality is very confusing.

Own final thoughts: Something unique . . . or dream passion project . . . I love producing and creating a unique aesthetic. The ability to take ownership of how you create is so important, specifically for female identified and non-binary folx. Visibility is so important because it allows you to believe that you have the ability to be a producer, engineer, etc. My dream is to create a supportive space for female identified individuals who have the space to create and feel empowered through the strength of community.

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