Monday, January 28, 2019

Commune: Polartropica and Oddnesse

Commune at Stories Books and Cafe is an occasional event (I believe it happens bi-monthly) where not only do you get to hear stripped down versions of songs sung by the musicians/bands that play at the event, but you also get to hear stories behind the songs.

Oddnesse told an interesting memory that inspired some of her songs. She decided to go to an event (forget if it was in Idaho or Utah). She ended up staying at an Air Force major's house during her time there. The two of them had some interesting conversations that Rebeca (Oddnesse) appreciated and found refreshing, because the Air Force officer had totally different political opinions than folks in Los Angeles. While there, she signed up for a $250 session where she ended up spending time screaming into a pillow. And she also found her long distance lover, an executive who afterwards would fly her out to stay with him.


Polartropica's stories weren't so much about her music, but about her memories of Laura Peters. Laura Peters recently passed away. She was one of the individuals who ran Play Like a Girl (which helps co-run Commune) and greatly influenced Polartropica. Her set ended with a Psychic Love (Laura Peters' band) cover. Tears flowed throughout those in attendance. It was a wonderful tribute to an important members of the LA local music scene.


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