Saturday, January 12, 2019

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Brenda Carsey

Brenda Carsey at the Moroccan Lounge
Interview with the artist. Enjoy:

What's the story behind when you wanted to become a singer? I have been singing since I was four years old, probably sooner. I started in choir at the age of 4. I've always loved singing! So I guess my answer is not that I had a moment of wanting to become a singer... I was born a singer. ;-)

What is one of your high or low moments as a musician and what makes it stand out? I have had so many high points! But I will definitely say my successful Kickstarter campaign that allowed me to record and release my first full-length studio album with a 7 piece band on every song and nearly selling out Hotel Cafe for my release party. Also, playing LIB festival last year, successfully self-booking and managing a large tour with a full band last year, and touring Germany with my old band back in 2016.

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