Thursday, January 11, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Inti Wawa

Inti Wawa at The Hi Hat
Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? My band Inti Wawa plays South American folk fusion which is a mix of traditional sounds of the Andes mixed with pop, rock and jazz.

If you weren’t pursuing music as a career or passion, what do you think you might be doing in its place? I am luckily doing what I love and being paid for it, and don’t think I could have it any other way :)

Own Q&A. Hmm, I love when people ask me what does the band name mean. Inti Wawa means “baby of the sun” in the ancient language of the Incas “Quechua” - The sun was the main deity of the Inca culture so in a way, all Andean people are babies of the sun.

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