Monday, January 29, 2018

A Friday Night (1/26/2018) at The Satellite

This was a night that I wanted to catch at The Satellite. Why? Three of the four bands that night were bands that I'd seen before and enjoy catching live. The fourth was having a release party and bands bring it when they're having a launch party.

MetronOhm opened the night with their jazz tunes. Lead singer Annabelle gives her best when she goes with her Audrey Hepburn inspired avant-garde dance moves.

Comment one of the night: You're all so quiet. So respectful.

Comment two of the night: You're all awake, right? That's good. It's a long weekend ahead.

TwoLips followed up with some jazz/R 'n B sounds. Their lead singer has the most fascinating fashion style. Part of me thinks Dr. Seuss. Then the other thinks The Simpsons. Finally, I end up thinking Madonna wearing long sleeve gloves. Well, she puts on dance moves that would impress Madonna.

Moment of the set: On my secondary Instagram account, I post photos of shoes that musicians wear. So during the set, I was photographing a shoe of one of the musician's shoes. When I took the shot, I looked up and the musician had a smile on his face. I couldn't help but suspect that he'd kept his feet in place to let me get the shot I wanted.


The Colour Coast was the band having a release party and The Satellite was nicely filled for them. They brought the pop flavors with a sprinkling of Central/South American sounds. Katy Perry would be proud with the swaying dance moves that sent arm sleeves floating across the stage. As the set ended, there was a group dance party on stage, which included the three lead singers from the other bands of the night. 

The Colour Coast

Livingmore closed out the night with their country-inspired rock sounds. Since I seem to be on this singer/actress trend here, let's say that lead singer's Alex Moore's thigh high boots would make Shania Twain jealous. To end the set, Alex went to The Satellite floor and engaged the audience in some joyous post-midnight dancing. 

Noticed: There was an elderly gentleman in the audience who was really into the music, but as the night progressed became more and more drunk.

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