Saturday, January 27, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Low Volts

Low Volts at Harvard & Stone
Interview with Low Volts. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Dark and heavy, dirty blues-rock and twang.

Other than playing in front of a packed crowd, what thrills you about performing live? Being a one man show, I never know what’s gonna happen during a song. I’m so locked into singing, playing guitar and slamming a kickdrum that at any second I could crash and burn or triumphantly get through it unscathed. I actually fell off the top of the kickdrum on NYE and somehow managed to not skip a beat haha. There’s also a very meditative state I fall into during shows where time and space cease to exist. Like getting lost in a painting or good book. Nothing else matters besides creating a mood and bringing that feeling to the crowd you’re performing for.

FYI: New album ‘Roam With You’, an album for road trippers and space travelers will be released on the next super blue moon. Keep a lookout in the skies.

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