Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Egrets on Ergot

Egrets on Ergot at The Satellite
Interview with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? We are a band that takes some of the ethos of the best moments of punk history from the late 70's in LA, to the forgotten moments in the mid 1980's and early 90's. Moments of entropy that spark excitement and wonder characterizes the Egrets experience. The whole band screams sex.... at least right now, in this moment.

Your set was in constant motion. How did the band go about creating their stage show? This show was atypical of an Egrets show (although our sets' inconsistencies of tempo, notation, or standard musicianship should be expected features by now), in that we decided a week before to perform fewer of our compositions than ever, partitioned not with dialogue-silence-or-dialogue, instead sonic dissonance with the addition of sitar and synth. Equivocally, we sought to perform an upsetting dream sequence for a music set. Hope it worked out for ya.

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Friday Night (1/26/2018) at The Satellite

This was a night that I wanted to catch at The Satellite. Why? Three of the four bands that night were bands that I'd seen before and enjoy catching live. The fourth was having a release party and bands bring it when they're having a launch party.

MetronOhm opened the night with their jazz tunes. Lead singer Annabelle gives her best when she goes with her Audrey Hepburn inspired avant-garde dance moves.

Comment one of the night: You're all so quiet. So respectful.

Comment two of the night: You're all awake, right? That's good. It's a long weekend ahead.

TwoLips followed up with some jazz/R 'n B sounds. Their lead singer has the most fascinating fashion style. Part of me thinks Dr. Seuss. Then the other thinks The Simpsons. Finally, I end up thinking Madonna wearing long sleeve gloves. Well, she puts on dance moves that would impress Madonna.

Moment of the set: On my secondary Instagram account, I post photos of shoes that musicians wear. So during the set, I was photographing a shoe of one of the musician's shoes. When I took the shot, I looked up and the musician had a smile on his face. I couldn't help but suspect that he'd kept his feet in place to let me get the shot I wanted.


The Colour Coast was the band having a release party and The Satellite was nicely filled for them. They brought the pop flavors with a sprinkling of Central/South American sounds. Katy Perry would be proud with the swaying dance moves that sent arm sleeves floating across the stage. As the set ended, there was a group dance party on stage, which included the three lead singers from the other bands of the night. 

The Colour Coast

Livingmore closed out the night with their country-inspired rock sounds. Since I seem to be on this singer/actress trend here, let's say that lead singer's Alex Moore's thigh high boots would make Shania Twain jealous. To end the set, Alex went to The Satellite floor and engaged the audience in some joyous post-midnight dancing. 

Noticed: There was an elderly gentleman in the audience who was really into the music, but as the night progressed became more and more drunk.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Low Volts

Low Volts at Harvard & Stone
Interview with Low Volts. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Dark and heavy, dirty blues-rock and twang.

Other than playing in front of a packed crowd, what thrills you about performing live? Being a one man show, I never know what’s gonna happen during a song. I’m so locked into singing, playing guitar and slamming a kickdrum that at any second I could crash and burn or triumphantly get through it unscathed. I actually fell off the top of the kickdrum on NYE and somehow managed to not skip a beat haha. There’s also a very meditative state I fall into during shows where time and space cease to exist. Like getting lost in a painting or good book. Nothing else matters besides creating a mood and bringing that feeling to the crowd you’re performing for.

FYI: New album ‘Roam With You’, an album for road trippers and space travelers will be released on the next super blue moon. Keep a lookout in the skies.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Taleen Kali

Taleen Kali
Q&A time with the artist. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Cosmic femme punk noise rock.

Other than playing in front of a packed crowd, what thrills you about performing live? Getting to share my soul.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Spare Parts for Broken Hearts

Spare Parts for Broken Hearts at The Satellite
(archive interview, but photo from Dec 2017)
(Archives from Oct 2017). Interview with the band.

How would you describe your sound? Our sound definitely has its roots in the grunge era of the '90s, we meld that with a melancholy slant. This allows for a dynamic of heavy & constant drive, but holds space for the exchange of intimacy with our audience.

What’s your favorite Spare Parts for Broken Hearts song and what makes it the favorite? Collectively, I think we would all agree that 'Say When' has been our tried & true. It's the one song in the set that changes the temperature of the room, it's the only song we've never taken off our setlist. The new ones are always the favorite, but we're in a long term relationship with this one.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: ADLT VDEO

ADLT VDEO at The Echoplex

Interview with the band. (Archives -- Oct 2016):

How would you describe your sound? Our sound is like looking through dark glass... Or spaghetti and meatballs.

Other than Los Angeles, where could you see yourselves living/playing music and why? The Galápagos Islands. Because, turtles.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Kittie Harloe

Kittie Harloe at Zebulon

An interview with Kittie Harloe:

How would you describe your sound? In a writing session, someone once described my voice as making them feel like they were being "descended into hell by angels." I love that.

Outside of music, what are some of your other interests? Outside of music, I love dancing, thrifting, and studying art.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Lauren Ruth Ward at The Echo

It was off to The Echo to catch Lauren Ruth Ward's January residency. When I arrived, I was told that there was a new camera policy. The policy is that the band needs to get a photo pass for you. I was disappointed. I took off, heading back to my car. I figured I could just come another Monday night – I didn’t feel comfortable leaving my camera in my car all night long. Then it dawned on me. Laura Ruth Ward introduced herself to me a few weeks back. Why don’t I just ask her? So I put my camera into the car and ran back to The Echo. The door guy let me straight in versus standing in line again. I then hung out waiting for Lauren Ruth Ward to make an appearance. When she did, I approached and asked about getting a photo pass from her. She was so kind and went to the desk to help me out. Off I went to get my camera and back I came into The Echo.

Lauren Ruth Ward's set, of course, was awesome. Her very first message was to the photographers that went something like this, “The Echo has a new first two song photo limit. I’m going to try and bring it for you all.” Oh yeah, she brought it with her free flowing stage presence. At one moment she flew like an eagle. Another moment, she balanced on one leg, leaning out above the stage floor. One couldn’t help but notice her band mate Liv trying to reach out to tab her on the foot to see if she could throw Lauren just a touch off balance.

Lauren Ruth Ward
Most amusing moment of the set started straight off on the first song: Lauren went up to Liv and put the microphone up to her. Dead silence for about 5 seconds. Ha ha. Liv was having none of it even though we all know – those of us in the know – that Liv does solo sets and is an awesome singer.

What can I say: I’ve gotten to hold her hand twice. First time up came at Chinatown Summer Nights when she reached out to hold my hand. And then it happened at The Echo when she once again reached out to hold my hand. Not a high-five, an actual hand hold.

Anyways, the set ended with her off the stage and into the crowd. A crowd that was very appreciative.

Awesome band support: Lauren mentioned as she got on stage that she was sorry that the set was starting a little late, but that she had been out on The Echo patio, listening to the band that was playing out there.

Lauren Ruth Ward
Opening for Lauren Ruth Ward were Nicole Kiki Jaffe and The Years. I unfortunately couldn't fully appreciate Nicole Kiki Jaffe's set. I spent most of her set working on a photo pass and running off to grab my camera. I definitely want to catch a full set as from what I heard was amazing. The Years rocked it out for 30 minutes. After their set, a photographer next to me was in awe.

The Years

Monday, January 15, 2018

Potty Mouth at the Bootleg Theater with The She's and Justus Proffit

You know it is flu season when two of the musicians on stage were seen sniffling and/or making comments about potentially vomiting.

Anyways, it was off to see Potty Mouth. A year ago, I saw Potty Mouth for the first time at The Hi Hat. I quickly fell in love with their sound. It felt more than appropriate to catch them at the Bootleg Theater. It represented a one year anniversary for me.

When bassist Ally came on stage to set up her gear, she put down a paper plate that had their set list on it. I took a peek. They were opening up with their pulsating "Smash Hit" song. That happens to be my favorite Potty Mouth song. I knew I was in for a treat. They just knocked the set out of the park even if lead singer Abby wasn't feeling top notch.

Potty Mouth's setlist
Comments of the set via Abby:

First: Oh man, I can feel the bile in my throat.

Second: I have to scream in this song, but I feel like I need to throw up.

Third (at the end of their set): Thank you for being here. Okay, I'm going to go pass out now.

My obsession:

So Abby has this quirk on stage of blowing her bangs away from her eyes. I was obsessed on trying to capture that moment on camera. Yet, it is a bit hard to anticipate when she might do that. 

And hey: A music label needs to sign this band so that fans can get a record!

Potty Mouth
Opening up for Potty Mouth was The She's and Justus Proffit.

The She's are from San Francisco. They were finalizing a West Coast tour. A few days prior, they were in Vancouver and mentioned that in Vancouver it was 32 degrees. It was, they said, much more weather friendly in heat wave Los Angeles.

One of the members of the band sported a Disney baseball cap. They had just spent the prior day at Disneyland. They were obviously thrilled with the experience.

The She's have -- what I consider -- contrasting styles. They have some beautiful harmonies against a backdrop of garage punk sounds. I suspect if someone heard them just doing an a cappella set one would assume they're a talented pop group. Instead, this band rocks with the best.

My obsession:

I found myself watching them sway to their sounds.

The She's
As was noted by Potty Mouth, a year ago at The Hi Hat was the first time that Potty Mouth and Justus Proffit played together on the same bill. What I knew, was that a year ago was the first time I saw both bands.

Justus Proffit goes through subtle switches in genre style. One time, they'll rock it out and the next they'll throw in a little country music spin.

Comment of the set (at the end of their set): How do we sound out there? Never mind. I don't care. This is our last song.

My obsession:

I found myself watching the lead singer switch up on the fashion. One song going with a cowboy hat. The next song going with a cowboy hat and sunglasses. Then going without the hat and sunglasses. Of course, the use of a cowboy hat might have psychologically played with my ears and made me think they were playing some country tunes.

Justus Proffit

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: The Alaeddin X

The Alaeddin X at The Satellite
Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? A rock band with 4 lead singers.

Other than Orange County, where could you see yourself living/playing music and why? We are happy to be in the OC since we are close enough to LA and SD.

Own Q&A: Which artist would we love to open for? Alice In Chains or Aerosmith.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Inti Wawa

Inti Wawa at The Hi Hat
Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? My band Inti Wawa plays South American folk fusion which is a mix of traditional sounds of the Andes mixed with pop, rock and jazz.

If you weren’t pursuing music as a career or passion, what do you think you might be doing in its place? I am luckily doing what I love and being paid for it, and don’t think I could have it any other way :)

Own Q&A. Hmm, I love when people ask me what does the band name mean. Inti Wawa means “baby of the sun” in the ancient language of the Incas “Quechua” - The sun was the main deity of the Inca culture so in a way, all Andean people are babies of the sun.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Sounds Like Disco

Sounds Like Disco at The Satellite

Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Our sound is a mixture of sweet indie pop vocals, edgy riffing guitars, fast driving bass lines, disco break beats, and early 2000's nostalgia

For the band and its future, how would you define success? Success for us is being able to live, and breath music all day, every day. Not having to rely on unfulfilling day jobs for a paycheck. Instead, live off our music, and tour 24/7. Meet those who connect with our music, and play alongside other bands who inspire us to be better.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

The Echo: First Week of January 2018 (FOMO)

First week of Januaries in Los Angeles bring a series of free nights of music at venues such as The Echo and The Satellite. I circled specific nights at various venues due to the bands that were playing. On Friday night, it was off to catch Drinking Flowers. I hadn't seen this band since their residency at The Echo in 2016.

Opening up the night was Litronix. This one man show put on a variety set. His set-up was a synth and a dance board. With that he spent his time dancing like Michael Jackson or singing like/about Elvis Presley. During one song, he screamed out repeatedly, "Elvis Lives." What couldn't I help but notice: he was dressed in red while throughout the set The Echo gave him red lights to play under. Red on red.

Rumblepak seems to be a rather new band (their Instagram account started in 2016, but didn't seem to kick in until 2017) with a handful of followers on Facebook and Instagram. Yet, I'd estimate that all those fans were out in force at The Echo. And for good reason. This band memorizes. Their psychedelic sounds had fans forming a mosh/dance pit by the end of their set.

The last time I saw Drinking Flowers, Jade dumped about half of her glitter on me (she was glitter bombing the audience and by the time she got to me -- I was at the end of the line -- well, she had half of her glitter left). That caused some long term glitter issues for my camera, lenses and camera bag. For months, I'd find glitter here and there. What was the first thing I did while watching their set-up? You're right: I looked for any canister that might hold glitter, because if the glitter came, I was running. Luckily, no glitter. Luckily, it didn't impact their set. Wonderful pounding sounds. What I took as a good sign: Someone in the audience asked me if I knew the band's name. I love it when bands I enjoy seeing win converts.

Drinking Flowers

Friday, January 5, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: Singer & the Scientist

Singer & the Scientist at The Satellite

Q&A time with the band. Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? We like exploring new electronic sounds in the Indie and alternative veins, while mixing in the analogue synth sounds we love. We also are way into doing fun vocal synth processing live

Is there a specific decision the band has made (good or bad) that it feels other bands/artists can learn from? We are always making good and bad decisions haha! Ummm... make a timeline for your goals and don’t get to caught up in anything but the music

Own Q&A: What over the top item is in your rider (if we were cool and big enough to have a rider)?

Kenley: 15+ puppies to play with in my make believe green room

Steve: several freshly brewed unsweetened passion iced teas from Panda Express and Coffee Bean . . . and Chipotle depending on my iced tea mood :)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Quick Hit Band Interview: MetronOhm

MetronOhm at The Hi Hat

Q&A time with the band (via Annabelle). Enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? Chocolate covered velvet bliss cookies.

Do you have a favorite music-themed movie, tv show, book, etc? And then of course, why the choice? What Happened, Miss Simone? Because her level of innovation, tenacity and love for her craft is contagious!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Shannon Lay and Kittie Harloe at Zebulon.

With Christmas over, I figured it'd be nice to catch some live music. So it was off to Zebulon on Tuesday, December 26th.

Up first was Kittie Harloe. She came on stage and I immediate thought of Lara Flynn Boyle's Twin Peaks days. Maybe that was due to some sultry looks that she gave the audience. This being her first set, she started out a touch tentative. Then she moved into a style where one wouldn't have been surprised if she picked up a wine glass and calmly held it while singing. She let it be known that she works at Zebulon. Some of her co-workers hung off to the side, showing their support.

Kittie Harloe

Shannon Lay closed out the night. It was nice to catch her set again, especially since she was only able to do a two night December residency at The Echo. It was a chill set. She even invited the audience to sit on the floor. Folks took her up on her suggestion. All that was needed were some pillows and blankets. I swear, a couple of her songs will have you thinking Enya. Just seriously amazing. As at The Echo, fellow Feels bandmate Laena Geronimo backed her up on violin. There was an amusing moment where after one song, Shannon admitted that she played the song in the wrong key and was surprised that Laena went with it perfectly. After her set ended, I overheard someone mention to a friend, "I'm so happy you got me to come out tonight." 

Shannon Lay