Monday, October 9, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Trapdoor Social

Trapdoor Social at Sunstock Solar Festival
Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? We like to say indie/alternative rock. Kinda like the baby of Radiohead and Death Cab for Cutie who then goes to school and hangs out with all of Tame Impala, White Lies, Macklemore and Muse's kids, and almost forgets where he came from.

Do you think you have a message or objective with your music? If so, what is it? We try to promote sustainability with our work. We think about the ways people might inadvertently cause suffering on a huge scale and see if we can't talk the world around us out of it. The environment is a big issue for us.

Do you have a favorite memory or any thoughts about the Sunstock Solar Festival? I really appreciate the people I meet at the end of the night who say "everyone I met here today are my kind of people - they care, and want to make a difference - this is my community". That's what we want to build.

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