Saturday, July 15, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: YIP YOPS

YIP YOPS at Chinatown Summer Nights
Q&A time with the band. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? It's almost impossible for us to describe our sound accurately from our perspective. Being that we are coming from the inside. It has to come from the outside perspective to give a valuable description. - Ison Van Winkle (lead vocals)

I saw that the band got to play Coachella this year. That's impressive. How do you believe the band has progressed from your beginnings to now? Thank you so much. Playing Coachella was an amazing experience. Like any band, we started off playing to nobody, but we have always had the ambition, work ethic and Ison's unbelievable songwriting behind us that has helped us achieve our goals up to this point. Growing up in the Coachella Valley, of course playing Coachella was going to be a huge goal for us, but it is just the beginning. We are hungry for more and we are continuing to work harder and harder every day to evolve as a band as well as making a name in this business. - Ross Murakami (drummer)

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