Monday, July 17, 2017

Quick Hit Artist Interview: Wolf Woodcock

Wolf Woodcock at The Hi Hat
Q&A time with the artist. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? We try to take a jazz-like approach to indie rock with open arrangements and woodwinds/brass. We have arrangements that go between sparse and quiet to very dense and loud. The vocals usually have a somber tone of sorts and range from quiet singing to yelling. It all falls under the indie rock umbrella, influenced more so of the late 90's/early 00's style.

What’s the favorite part of your set? My favorite part of our set is the second half of our last song "Town". It starts off really quiet, usually having the brass each take a solo, which then builds up into a crazy freakout where everyone is going nuts. It feels great to be in it with all the members, everyone listening to each other and building something new each time we play it. We then punctuate it with a soft ending, which creates an arc throughout the song that really shows the dynamics between all of us.

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