Monday, July 3, 2017

Quick Hit Band Interview: Foundling

Foundling at The Satellite
Q&A time with the artist. Hope you enjoy:

How would you describe your sound? The sound is kind of dark dream pop. Lots of layered vocals and synths and effected guitar and deep bass. Hope it sounds like a deep canyon underwater where you can float through and see beautiful shifting patterns and colours in the canyon's walls and you feel like you might have been there before or that you belong.

You mentioned you're from Canada and now live in Berlin. Do you have any interesting perspectives about the music scenes in Berlin and Canada? Berlin is a huge city with a very pulsing massive electronic music scene that dominates but there are all kinds of other scenes for every kind of music. Most of my time in Canada has been in Montreal and I feel like there is a more distinct sound that changes and evolves amongst the bands and big parts of the scenes, I guess because it's so much smaller and the community tighter, like everyone gets to know everyone eventually and there is so much collaboration between musicians in different projects. I feel like both Montreal and Berlin seem to support and push creativity and innovation in music, like anything is possible and there is a thirst for new things. Love them both!

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