Opening up for them was Quazar and The Bamboozled. From my understanding, the lead singer Brandon Jay writes music for Orange is the New Black. Their set was quirky and fun. The lead singer came across as a comedic magician who could, at any time, pull a rabbit out from under his top hat. At times, his hat would fly off and I would almost have bet with someone that a rabbit would have appeared sitting on the top of his head.
Zero DeZire came out on stage with one of the members wearing a duct tape bra. I was ready for another interesting set. One song was about an ex-friend's phone number and the fact that he stopped talking to one of the band members. It was hysterical. They sang a song called "It's My Birthday." In the back of my mind, I was thinking, "I've heard this song before." Well, an Internet search revealed that it was a song on HBO's Girls.
So to be honest, Happy Hollows was the reason why I selected this night to catch Bloody Death Skull. I've followed this band for years. By years, I mean that I saw them way back in 2009. I just love the infectious energy of the lead singer. They mentioned that they hadn't played a set in a year. Well, they obviously created pent up demand, because their fan base was out in force.
Bloody Death Skull is always this super quirky band. Why? Well, come on, one member of the band spent part of the set playing with dolls. When I saw this band a few months back at the Resident, she was rolling marbles around in a bowl. The lead singer donned a guerrilla mask for one song. Hopefully, those are solid enough examples of the quirkiness of this band. Vaudeville like magic.

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