Friday, October 1, 2021

Harvard & Stone: Strawberry Army and The Bites

I first came across Strawberry Army in early 2019 when they played during a Wild Riot event. I saw them two additional times after that. Both of those times were at the Bootleg Theater. They opened up for The Paranoyds one of those times and played with Kate Clover the next time. The band has been somewhat active in 2021, playing shows in San Diego and Pomona. Well, they made a late announcement that they were going to play Harvard & Stone this past Monday. I didn't want to miss this night. This band has a pop-punk sound with some raspy vocals and a dynamic stage performance. Did I enjoy the set? When it felt like the set finished up within minutes of starting you know it was a fun set. The one disadvantage of the set was that Harvard & Stone gave them very low red lights throughout the set making it difficult to do any photography.  

Strawberry Army

Up next was The Bites who brought their own stage lights. A friend brought some lights and cameras to video the whole set. So lights weren't an issue for their set. This band is a perfect Sunset Strip band with their rocking 1980s sound. They had their fans crowded right up to the front of the stage. And unlike many bands where the fans eventually move a few feet back, these fans stuck right up front throughout. To end the set, the band took a group bow. Hey, it was deserved, they're very entertaining.

The Bites

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