Sunday, October 31, 2021

Vacation Week: Time To Go Out Multiple Nights

I took a Friday to Friday vacation recently and decided to head out a number of nights to catch some live music. I was tempted to go out every night, but ended up deciding against that.


Friday was spent heading off to The Love Song Bar to catch a favorite for the first time in 2021: Gracie Gray. I knew it was going to be dark inside the venue so I pulled out my 85MM F/1.2 lens. It is a very slow lens when it comes to focusing, but luckily Gracie Gray is a singer-songwriter. Towards the end of her set, she sand "Somewhere Over the Rainbow." I am blown away every time I hear her sing that song. The audience was blown away, as well. Backing her up was Lexi of Mini Trees on bass -- her regular bassist was off playing in Pomona with Livingmore. 

Gracie Gray

Opening up was Mercutio. Since their Instagram reads: Bay Area Synth Guy, I'll assume they came down from San Francisco. Rather soothing music if I can say so.



Tuesday was spent at Little Joy and the music switched to punk - rock sounds. Moonfuzz just throws out the fuzz. And they're just exciting to watch with the constant face offs between the bassist and guitarist as they amp up the music.


Mr. Max brought the rock. Ladyhump brought the old-school punk. The Richard Ramirez Beatdown had those in the audience talking about the band name. 

Mr. Max


The Richard Ramirez Beatdown


I went off to The Silverlake Lounge to catch my second dose of The Gooms' October Residency. One thing I've noticed is they've changed things in terms of their stage show. It used to be Chase Buttons (lead singer) who used to do the jumping on stage. They've now allocated that fun duty to Nicole Rae (guitarist).

The Gooms

To be honest, the main reason I went to this particular night (I had previous gone to see The Gooms' a couple weeks previously), was to catch Young Winona. This was my first time catching this New Zealand band live and in person. I previously caught their set online. 

Young Winona

Also playing was New Media with their 80s / 90s rock sounds.

New Media


This night was spent driving off to Bar Lubitsch to catch what WFNM had on the docket. I was already familiar with three of the artists: HeyboyMia Nicolai, and Hayley Warner. I love Heyboy's enthusiasm on stage as well as the earnest nature of his music such as the song "Wasn't it Fun?" Mia Nicolai is in Los Angeles from The Netherlands. I hope she sticks around. I love her enthusiastic personality. It is infectious. Like Young Winona, my introduction to Hayley Warner was from watching an online set. She was definitely the primary attraction of the night for those who dropped by the venue. I can totally understand. Estef opened up the night for me with a soulful performance.


Mia Nicolai

Hayley Warner



I got an invite by French Mouth to head out to Permanent Records Roadhouse. Enjoyed the set, but am mad at my photography skills. There was a moment where the lead singer got up on a counter and I just knew he was going to jump off at some point. So I got my composition all set up, but . . . forgot to up my shutter. Shoot.

French Mouth

Urns & Argyles and Hurt Hawks opened it up. Hurt Hawks sound is aggressive punk. Urns & Argyles had a goth rock sound that fit in perfectly with the Halloween theme though the lead singer apologized for not dressing up in a costume.

Urns & Argyles

Hurt Hawks

I decided to do a random run to Highland Park Bowl. The band name Friends Don't Die caught my attention. They were supposed to go on at 10 p.m. and so I targeted to get their at around 9:45 p.m. Luckily, I planned to get there early, because they must have gone on at 9:30 p.m. Shoot. I'm telling you, that vocalist has some pure sounds. Just loved it.

Friends Don't Die

Friday, October 29, 2021

New Music Alert: Sonoda's "Point of View"


I came across Sonoda at the Bootleg Theater. The band was the last one up, going on at around midnight. Midnight is usually when I slip out of a venue and head home for bed, but I stuck around to catch their set. Airy sounds of with touches of Asian musical inspiration ended my night at the Bootleg Theater.

"Point of View" carries on that sound of lightness while asking questions such as: What would they think about you? Are we holding onto something of no use? Maybe letting go is all we need to do?

Shall I respond in form of a question: are there really any correct answers to those questions? I suppose the answer is yes. We're probably all holding onto something that is of no use and is preventing us from reaching our true potential in life. The answers are for each of us individually to discover, because the answers won't be all the same.
Photo taken at the Bootleg Theater

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

New Music and Video Alert: Disco Shrine's "Hello"

Disco Shrine has a new single release called "Hello" along with a video. The song "chronicles her dating life in Los Angeles . . . everything from love at first sight and heartbreak to feeling empowered on your own and having friends with benefits." The music has a summer feel to it with a touch of RnB. It explores relationships that were viewed differently by both individuals, "Thought that it'd be good for a minute. Thought that it'd be fast but it wasn't. You thought that it would last but I didn't."

The video takes place in different locations such as paddle boats in Echo Park and what looks like Elysian Park. Were those areas that she went out on dates? I'm thinking yes.

Photo take at the Echoplex

Monday, October 25, 2021

New Music Alert: WILD's "Friend Like You"

I listed WILD as one of my favorite new bands of 2018. They're out with a new single called "Friend Like You." It is a tribute to long term friendships with lyrics like, "Been through hellfire and glitter. The sweet and the bitter . . . Thick as thieves, it's been you and me." Yes, those are friends we all love dearly. 

The music has their genuine cheerful pop. With The Mowgli's deciding to call it quit, WILD easily can be a substitute to fans of that band. The music just flies with vocals and music coasting along like a road trip along a curving highway. 

Photo taken at School Night

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Thursday, October 21, 2021

New Music Alert: Suzi Moon's "Special Place in Hell"

I've seen Suzi Moon a handful of times both as Suzi Moon and Turbulent Hearts. She always throws herself into her sets. 

A recent video release by Suzi Moon is "Special Place in Hell." It is an unique Los Angeles love story. With punk rock esthetics, the song recalls the relationship between Suzi Moon and a Los Angeles newbie. He is all just too naïve. And well, he ends up being a stabbing victim. After the deed is done, Suzi has nightmares about what she has done to this individual. Ouch, are we in Los Angeles that jaded when it comes to love? 

Photo of Turbulent Hearts at the Whisky a Go Go

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

New Music Alert: KidEyes' "Don't Hold Back"

KidEyes has a new song out called "Don't Hold Back."

On their Instagram they have this about their new release:

This song is about not wasting another breath, finding your life again and living it like never before.

Given the weight of the world, music can certainly heal, and as artists, this song is our way to try and contribute a small beacon of light and hope. 

The music video is taken along the beach. Good imagery on life having unlimited possibilities.  

Lyrics of the song: 

Do it all /  Say it now / Cuz I don’t have the time to hold back /  Be yourself / Let it out

Photo taken at The Hi Hat

Sunday, October 17, 2021

New Music Alert: Janelane's "Flowers from Athens"

Janelane has a new song called "Flowers from Athens." Janelane does what I feel the band does best when it comes to this song, write perfect breakup lyrics that go with wistful tunes. Those tunes are carried by touching guitar play.

Lyrics to remember: 

Times like these I wish that we had / Left our love in Manhattan / Was it worth an unseen smile when  / You sent flowers from Athens? 

 A romance that didn't turn out to be real?

Photo taken at the Bootleg Theater

Friday, October 15, 2021

New Music Alert: Jagged Baptist Club's "Temptation Death House"


Jagged Baptist Club's "Temptation Death House" song release has you thinking Depeche Mode and "Personal Jesus." The vocals and lyrical style just ring similar. The song is driven by the lead vocals as well as hypnotic synths. The synths just drive a continual forward motion to the song. 

Photo taken at The Hi Hat

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

New Music Alert: Gracie Gray's "alienlover"

I first came across Gracie Gray at The Satellite. I was immediately touched by her music. And then she performed the cover "Over the Rainbow." That sold me. I became a big fan right there. 

A recent single called "alienlover" can be found out on the Internet. The music starts off with some hard bass beats before shifting to the atmospheric blending of Gracie Gray's vocals. The bass downbeats dissipates into the layered vocals that soar just at the right moments. A choir of voices gather together in this wonderfully tuned and thought out song.

Photo taken at La Tierra De La Culebra

Monday, October 11, 2021

Silverlake Lounge: The Gooms with Chase Petra and Mashugana

The Gooms are the October residency band at the Silverlake Lounge. Like many bands, this was their first live set since the start of the pandemic. Opening up for them was Mashugana that had a nice chill sound. When the spirit took hold, the lead singer let loose with some vibrant moves on stage. The band got a touch excited when someone in the audience yelled out their band name with the proper pronunciation. I had to look up the word. It means someone who acts crazy or nonsensical.


Up next was Chase Petra. This is a band I saw three different times during the pandemic -- all online. I saw them playing Echo Park Rising, the Six at Six, and Wonder & Awe. Their music has a pop punk flavor to it. Having seen them online so many times, I was super eager to catch this band for the first time live. Yes, live. What did I notice that was different from catching their music online? Mercy, this band is so fun to photograph -- especially when the bassist and guitarist face off with each other.

Chase Petra

The Gooms closed out the night. Now, here's what I noticed about both Chase Petra and The Gooms. Their fans packed the front of the stage. I feel like this is the first time I've seen this happen when hanging out post-reopening at the Silverlake Lounge. No one was getting to the front of the stage if they didn't get their prior to the start of Chase Petra's set. The Gooms is just a fun band. They play their music fuzzy and, well, they like to make amusing facial expressions. I've followed this band since early 2019 and just was so happy to catch them again.

The Gooms

Saturday, October 9, 2021

I'm Up On Buzzbands: Mini Trees with A.O. Gerber at the Moroccan Lounge

I'm up on Buzzbands with photos and a review of Mini Trees and A.O. Gerber.

Mini Trees at the Moroccan Lounge

New Music Alert: Kate Clover's EP "Channel Zero"

Kate Clover recently released a 4 song EP titled Channel Zero. I first came across Kate Clover in 2016 when she played in the band ExSage. I was immediately intrigued and kept following the band and then continued on when she moved to her personal project. I'd also run into her frequently at Zebulon where I'd always find her sitting on the bench risers. 

This EP draws on her cool vibes and let's just admit that she's one of the coolest musicians in Los Angeles. There's a confidence in those songs as she whips at light speed through punk beats.  

Photo taken at the Bootleg Theater


Thursday, October 7, 2021

New Music Alert: Livingmore's "Sharp"


Livingmore is one of those bands that I see live multiple times a year (other than during pandemic years). In fact, in 2018, I saw the band more than any other: six times. I do hope I get to see them live in 2021. 

Their music video to their song "Sharp" has lead singer Alex Moore popping her head out of a car sun roof, singing the lyrics to their pop gem that has you thinking of Belinda Carlisle tunes. Those guitar riffs also reminds me of a past favorite Los Angeles band called, The Mulhollands.  

There is such joy that shines from Alex. Just watching the video and listening to the music has me wanting to jump around and brag, "I've seen this band live many a time."

Photo take at The House of Machines

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

New Music Alert: Mating Ritual's "Tell Me You Don't Love Me"

My introduction to Mating Ritual dates back to 2016. The band not only makes great music, but you often see them out and about supporting other bands (pre-COVID-19, of course). I'd see them at Madame Siam, Hot Shot Muffler and other venues. It is great seeing musicians supporting their friends. 

The band is out with a song called "Tell Me You Don't Love Me." The song is just dripping with sensuality and painful memories. The video features a female dancer, she seduces the camera throughout, but that is just the lingering joyful memories that are drifting away.

The band has this on their Instagram page: I normally make a little quip about the song, but this one is super emotional and honest, so I'll just let it do the talking.

Lyrics: Tell me you don't love me / Tell me you're cool with this / Tell that you're better off than before / Because right now I don't remember what went wrong.

Photo taken at Chinatown Summer Nights

Sunday, October 3, 2021

New Music Alert: L.A. Witch's "Motorcycle Boy"

L.A. Witch is a band that I've caught during epic line-ups at the Echoplex. The first time I saw them they were in a line-up with Kim & The Created and Colleen Green. The next time I saw them they were sharing the stage with Tashaki Miyaki and Z Berg. Their 70s inspired rock and roll and over-all cool style stage performances are just addicting.

Their recent single "Motorcycle Boy" embodies that feeling. What is more rock and roll than riding a motorcycle out on the open road. In the video, the musicians are dressed in black while riding or playing, but during moments of dream hallucinations are dressed in white. At the end, the trio are in black, standing by a memorial to a death. Has darkness won over the light? Or in death, does the soul find goodness?

Friday, October 1, 2021

Harvard & Stone: Strawberry Army and The Bites

I first came across Strawberry Army in early 2019 when they played during a Wild Riot event. I saw them two additional times after that. Both of those times were at the Bootleg Theater. They opened up for The Paranoyds one of those times and played with Kate Clover the next time. The band has been somewhat active in 2021, playing shows in San Diego and Pomona. Well, they made a late announcement that they were going to play Harvard & Stone this past Monday. I didn't want to miss this night. This band has a pop-punk sound with some raspy vocals and a dynamic stage performance. Did I enjoy the set? When it felt like the set finished up within minutes of starting you know it was a fun set. The one disadvantage of the set was that Harvard & Stone gave them very low red lights throughout the set making it difficult to do any photography.  

Strawberry Army

Up next was The Bites who brought their own stage lights. A friend brought some lights and cameras to video the whole set. So lights weren't an issue for their set. This band is a perfect Sunset Strip band with their rocking 1980s sound. They had their fans crowded right up to the front of the stage. And unlike many bands where the fans eventually move a few feet back, these fans stuck right up front throughout. To end the set, the band took a group bow. Hey, it was deserved, they're very entertaining.

The Bites