Saturday, September 25, 2021

The Echo: Feels with Kairos Creature Club and Le Pain

This is a set I'll remember for years to come. After a decade, Feels played their last show (or at least until the 5 year reunion show). It was a 15 song tour de force that lasted for a good solid hour in front of a fan base filled with those who had followed the band from the start and those who had just recently started following the band. They played a mix of songs from their three album and EP releases: Feels (2016), Post Earth (2019) and Subversive Reaction (2021). Laena, lead singer and guitarist, made sure that we weren't going to be having a sense of depression due to this being their last show. She told us to all have a fun time as the band opened up with "Sour" that has a real psychedelic feel to it -- making you want to dance like a genie coming out of a bottle. Throughout the set, the band did their classic head flips and face off jams. As the show came to a conclusion, a bottle of champagne was brought out to celebrate the final show. The final encore was played and yet no one really wanted the moment to end. 

Set list included: Sour (Post Earth), Unicorn (Feels), Rodeo (Subversive Reaction), Trash Island (Subversive Reaction), Night Walker (Subversive Reaction), Anyways (Post Earth), Tollbooth (Post Earth), Running's Fun (Feels), Car (Post Earth), Post Earth (Post Earth), Deconstructed (Post Earth), Slippin (Feels), Tell Me (Feels), Close My Eyes (Feels)


Kairos Creature Club did their third residency night. They're in from Florida. I would say their music has the basis in adult contemporary, but they take in influences from other genres in the music. Some of their music has the undercurrents of jazz. The final song they played, if done a bit faster and louder, would qualify as a heavy metal song. 

Kairos Creature Club

Le Pain opened it up with just their third set ever. Their music just floats with the clouds. They have some sweat vocals and occasional funny dance moves. And their final two songs were sung in French. 

Le Pain

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