Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Silverlake Lounge: Cuffed Up and Jagged Baptist Club

Cuffed Up hit the stage at the Silverlake Lounge for their first live set since March 2020. Was there any rust that needed to be polished out? Not from what I could tell. They came on stage and just shredded it throughout their set. Sapphire Jewell often played the guitar low to the ground while sliding those fingers. During one song where she took the lead vocals, she stepped out into the audience with power. Ralph Torrefranca was a tornado of energy that sent his glasses constantly sliding down his nose and him having to constantly move it back in place. What a 30 minute thrill.

Cuffed Up

As for Jagged Baptist Club, this was my second time seeing the band over a 4 day period. I'd previous driven down to Long Beach to cover Happy Sundays and got to catch their full set at Alex's Bar. This band is just fun to watch and photograph. Lead singer Blake Stokes does have a revival preacher style, which fits in perfectly with the band name. This style combines dynamic and quirky with a touch of the feeling that you're part of an inside joke. With arms often stretched out towards the audience, this band connects with their fans.    

Jagged Baptist Club

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