Thursday, September 9, 2021

Permanent Records Roadhouse: Dove Armitage, Fun Country, Sally Spitz

I've followed Quincy Larsen of Dove Armitage for a number of years. It started with coming across Cat Scan a few years back. Then on to the band Kevin. I know she started Dove Armitage back in 2020, but this was the first time I was able to catch one of the sets. Quincy knows how to entertain. Her stage show had her sprawled on the concrete floor at times. Other times during the set she used a wooden corner table or the wrought iron grilles for a window. The music had a gothic romance to it that played with Quincy's onstage sexuality. There was a temporary dead microphone moment, but she handled it like a professional.

Dove Armitage

Fun Country came up next and they couldn't have been any different than Dove Armitage. We went from gothic romance to country. After Dove Armitage, you might say they looked rather square. That just showed the diversity of the night. It was a full band with percussion, keys, guitar, bass and even a trumpet for a couple songs. There was a total of 7 in the band. It was perfect to capture this band under the night sky (the event took place in Permanent Records' patio area.

Fun Country

Sally Spitz of French Vanilla closed out the night. She had the comment of the night, "I'm single. I'm on anti-depressants." With a friend starting off the tracks, Sally gave the audience some beat poetry vocals. She also had some nice swagger that was timed with the beats. All this performed under red lights that were set up.

Sally Spitz

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