Friday, July 9, 2021

Little Joy: Mitchell Manburg, Kilo Tango, Slite of Hand

It was off to Little Joy for the first time since Echo Park Rising 2019. I went there to catch Slite of Hand, which is fronted by Jonny of Spare Parts for Broken Hearts. I got there in time to catch part of Mitchell Manburg's set. He was celebrating his EP release. He had a nice group of friends in attendance. If I heard correctly, he moved out of Los Angeles during the pandemic and so this was a return visit, as well. His fingers really played those guitar strings.

Mitchell Manburg

Kilo Tango came on next with some "bummer" songs. She said that she was singing songs that she wrote during the pandemic. She did have one less depressing song. Her 11 year-old nephew told her that her songs were too depressing so she wrote an upbeat song for him. Her vocals waifed across the small back room of Little Joy.

Kilo Tango

Slite of Hand then hit the stage with a violin and guitar. The set list was a mixture of non-vocal songs, a song sung in Spanish, a cover and songs about $13. The audience was more than appreciative, even encouraging when Jonny hesitated about playing one of his non-vocal songs. In the audience were a number of familiar faces such as Caitlin Dee of Pipe Dreams. It was nice to recognize so many people and realize that slowly, but surely the LA music scene is coming back.

Slite of Hand

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