Monday, July 19, 2021

Bar Lubitsch: Arisa, Ash Leone, Tessa Rae, Haiden and Heyboy

A recent Thursday night meant another reason to drive out to West Hollywood to catch a WFNM night of music. The night was highlighted by the debut performance of Heyboy. There doesn't appear to be much info about Heyboy out there on the Internet, but I have to believe that will change. The music is perfectly crafted pop. The perfect example being the song "Wasn't It Fun?," which Heyboy mentioned is a reflection about the end of a relationship, but remembering the beauty of the beginning. He had a large contingent if supporters in the audience with people standing on the couches that line the walls of the bar to get a full view of the very energetic performance. 


Opening up the night was Arisa. His music left explanation points throughout the set. And for one song, those in the crowd were so swayed by the music that they brought out their smart phones and turned on the flashlights. For his final two songs, he started off with a song inspired by his listening to Disney pop songs and then ending the set by just rocking it out. To close it out, he walked off the stage and turned to watch his band close out the set.


 Ash Leone brought classic singer songwriter vocals that I think could fit perfectly across the decades of time -- be it the 1940s to the current. I swear I could see her singing backing vocals for Judy Garland. She had the comment of the night when she said, "A woman's intuition is always correct except if it is anxiety driven." And when she sang too many songs that were sad, she mentioned, "I guess I'm just a sad bitch."

Ash Leone

 Tessa Rae brought the dance beats to the night. While she brought the dance moves on stage, her band was just having the time of their lives. Smiles were being exchanged between the band along with some posing for the camera. The joy of playing live music after such a long pandemic was obvious. What did I notice: the color she used on her finger nails perfectly matched the color of her hair and cloths. Also, most of her friends were fully masked. 

Tessa Rae

Haiden was also doing his debut performance. He was a bit nervous, joking about how he had done some research about how to deal with a debut performance. He mentioned his height -- he is very tall; he is so tall, in fact, that the microphone stand couldn't extend high enough. And then laughed about his facial expressions while singing. Even though it was his first live set ever, he definitely had the swoon style down perfectly.  


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