Monday, July 5, 2021

Junior High: Christina Apostolopoulos, Discotelle, Ryan Pollie

I decided at the last moment on a Wednesday night that I'd take a walk from my Glendale apartment to Junior High. Junior High is a not-for-profit arts space that used to be in Hollywood, but recently moved to Glendale. This was my first journey out to the recently opened space. The space has a minimalist feel to it. Concrete floor. Ceiling to floor drapes that separate the rooms. White painted walls. All clean, bright and new.

I walked in and Christina Apostolopoulos was in the middle of her set. I was disappointment that I showed up so late. I previously only caught part of her set back at Echo Park Rising in 2019 (was off shooting multiple bands for Buzzbands) and was hoping to catch a full set this time around. It just wasn't meant to be. What I caught was enjoyable and maybe I will be able to catch a full set in the near future.

Christina Apostolopouls

Discotelle came on next with a folk sound that initially started out with a duo, but they added a cello at the end, which made the band's music sound all the sweeter. There was a brief fake out by the lead singer when she jumped into the middle of the floor early in the set. I thought she was about to turn her set into a dance party. 


Closing it out was Ryan Pollie. I last saw him at the Bootleg Theater where he played with a band that was called Los Angeles Police Department. His set was all smiles and barefoot. He was barefoot so that he could play a little drum set that was on the floor. For one song, he was supposed to use a harmonica, but had forgot to fit it over his head. To help mitigate the forgetfulness, the guitarist for Discotelle ran over and amusingly tried to place it over Pollie's head. It gave the audience a good laugh. 

Ryan Pollie

What did I notice: For Christina Apostolopoulos' set, most everyone was sitting down. For Discotelle's set, most everyone was standing. For Ryan Pollie's, most everyone was sitting. Okay, maybe I'm the only one finding that an amusing observation.

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